Fàilte chridheil oirbh do Obraichean Gàidhlig, pròiseact ùr a chaidh dhealbhachadh airson obraichean co-cheangailte ris a Ghàidhlig a chur ann an aon àite.
‘S e amas an làrach gun tèid gach obair ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig suas an seo airson gum b’ urrainn an coimhearsnachd air fad na h-obraichean fhaicinn ‘s airson ‘s gu bheil fios aig daoine air na tha a’ dol a thaobh obraichean co-cheangailte ris a chànain. Tha cothroman gu leòr ann leis a Ghàidhlig, ach mur eil iad furasta ri lorg chan fhaigh na daoine as fheàrr na h-obraichean a tha iad a’ sireadh – agus chan eil sin na buannachd.
Chaidh an làrach ‘sa a dhealbhachadh ‘s thèid e a’ ruith le Steven Kellow, fear a tha dìreach air ceumnachadh bho Oilthigh Obar Dheathain an dèidh ceithir bhliadhna cur seachad a’ dèanamh Gàidhlig ‘s Poilitigs.
Thathar an dòchas gun tèid gu math leis an làrach ‘s gum faigh mòran daoine obair às. Gu math thèid leibh uile!
A big welcome to Obraichean Gàidhlig to you all, which is a new project that was created to put all jobs related to Gaelic in one place.
The aim of the site is that all jobs in the Gaelic community will be posted here so that everyone can see the posts and that people know what’s happening in terms of recruitment in the language. There are plenty of opportunities out there for Gaelic speakers, but if they aren’t easy to find then the best people won’t get the jobs they’re looking for and that doesn’t benefit people as much.
The site was developed and will be run by Steven Kellow, a recent graduate of the University of Aberdeen who has recently graduated after four years studying Gaelic and Politics.
It’s hoped that the website will be a success and that lots of people will be able to find jobs on it. Best of luck to everyone!