Fios Dùbhlachd 2016 / December 2016 Update

Leis a’ bhliadhna cha mhòr deiseil, bha sinn airson innse dhuibh mu dheidhinn an adhartas math dha-rìreabh a th’ air a bhith aig Obraichean Gàidhlig gu ruige seo ann a bhith a’ toirt àrd-ùrlar do fhastaichean ‘s luchd-tagraidh a’ tighinn còmhla leis na h-obraichean as ùra an lùib na Ghàidhlig.

Tha sinn air còrr ‘s 75 obraichean a shanasachd bhon a chaidh an làrach air bhog aig tòiseach an Lùnastal, le barrachd ‘s 70 diofar tagraidhean air a dhèanamh tron làrach ‘s mìltean de dhaoine air tadhail air an làrach.

Tha sinn gu math taingeil airson an taic a tha sinn air fhaighinn bho fastaichean, luchd-tagraidh ‘s buidhnean eile cuideachd, nam measg An Comann Gàidhealach ‘s Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

Bidh sinn a dh’ aithghearr a’ foillseachadh tabhartas maoineachaidh a tha sinn an dùil cuir a-steach do Bhòrd na Gàidhlig airson taic fhaighinn le bhith a’ leasachadh ar làrach gu bhith nas seasmhaiche agus nas goireasaiche.  Cuidichidh seo le bhith a chur Obraichean Gàidhlig aig cnag na cùise oidhirp ùr am margaid-obrach Gàidhlig ath-bheothachadh.

Ceud mìle taing a-rithist do gach fear ‘s bhoireann a tha air tadhail air an làrach agus tha sinn an dòchas gum bi ràith na Nollaige sona agaibh ‘s 2017 mìorbhaileach cuideachd!

Mur ‘eil sibh air ar chuairt-litir fhathast cuimhnich gu bheil sinn a’ chur na h-obraichean as ùra a-mach ann dà thuras san seachdain.  Clàraich air a shon an seo:

With 2016 drawing to a close, we wanted to share the great progress that Obraichean Gàidhlig has made so far in providing a platform for employers and job seekers alike to connect with the latest Gaelic-related job positions.

We have hosted over 75 different positions since we launched at the beginning of August, with over 70 different applications being made through the site and thousands of page visits.

We are greatly appreciative of all the support we have received thus far from employers, applicants and other organisations too, among them An Comann Gàidhealach and Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

We will shortly be releasing details of a funding proposal we hope to submit to Bòrd na Gàidhlig for help with making our website more sustainable and packed with more features.  This will help to make Obraichean Gàidhlig the centre of a renewed effort for revitalising the Gaelic job market.

Thanks again to all of you who have visited the site and we wish you all a happy holiday season and a fantastic 2017!

If you’ve not yet signed up for our newsletter remember that we send out the latest jobs twice a week to your inbox.  Register yourself for this here:

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