Tachartas Siuthad! 2017 Inbhir Nis / Siuthad! 2017 Inverness event

Siuthad 2017

Bidh sinn an làthair aig an tachartas Siuthad! ann an Inbhir Nis a-màireach, far am bidh sgoileirean à àrd-sgoiltean bho air feadh na Gàidhealtachd a’ tighinn airson faicinn na cothroman a th’ ann dhaibh ri linn na Gàidhlig a thaobh dreuchdan.

‘S ann aig Skills Development Scotland a tha an tachartas, agus ‘s e cothrom mìorbhaileach a bhios e do chlann fhaicinn an fharsaingeachd de dreuchdan leithid teagaisg, meadhanan, rannsachadh ‘s eile a ‘s urrainn dhaibh a dhèanamh ma tha iad cumail a’ dol leis an cuid Gàidhlig aca airson na ìrean Nàiseanta a tha romhpa anns an sgoil.

Bidh stàilean aig mòran buidhnean ‘s companaidhean mòra a thaobh obraichean Gàidhlig agus bidh cuideachd bùithtean-obrach ann airson gum b’ urrainn na sgoileirean pàirt a ghabhail san tachartas iad fhèin ‘s sgilean neo fiosrachadh ùra ionnsachadh a chuidicheas iad a thaobh obraichean a lorg.

Bhuannaich an tachartas Duais Gàidhlig an uiridh airson an tachartas as fheàrr, ‘s mar sin tha sinn làn dòchas gum bi an tachartas ceart cho math am bliadhna!

Tha sinn an dòchas gum bi là inntinneach aig na sgoileirean ‘s gun ionnsaich iad mòran mu dheidhinn na tha romhpa ma thaghas iad Gàidhlig airson na bliadhnaichean cudromach seo san fhoghlam aca.

We will be attending the Siuthad! event in Inverness tomorrow, where pupils from secondary schools across the Highlands will visit to see the opportunities available to them with Gaelic in terms of careers.

Skills Development Scotland are behind the event, and it will be a brilliant opportunity for the children to see the wide range of careers such as teaching, media work, research and more that are open to them if they continue with Gaelic into their National qualifications at school.

There will stalls from many groups and companies heavily involved in terms of Gaelic jobs and there will also be workshops so pupils can take part in the event and learn new skills and information to help them when it comes to finding jobs.

The Siuthad! event last year won a prize at the Scottish Gaelic awards for Best Event, so we’re full of optimism that this year’s event will be just as good!

We hope the pupils will have an interesting day and will learn a lot about the possibilities ahead of them if they choose Gaelic in these important years in their education.

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