Goireasan ùra: Comharran, Mobile ‘s Embed

Tha sinn gu math toilichte trì goireasan ùra a shealltainn dhuibh a ‘s urrainn dhuibh a’ cleachdadh air Obraichean Gàidhlig a-nis.  Clàraich leinn an-diugh airson ga chleachdadh.

We’re very happy to show you three new features on our site to make Obraichean Gàidhlig even better.  Sign up today to make the most out of them.

Comharran / Bookmarks

‘S urrainn dhuibh comharrachadh na h-obraichean air an làrach airson liosta a dhèanamh den fheadhainn anns a bheil ùidh agad.  Tha seo math ma tha sibh a’ beachdachadh air tagradh a chuir ach chan eil sibh deiseil fhathast.

Airson seo, log a-steach ‘s theirg gu sanas-obrach ‘s brùth air am putan airson comharra a dhèanamh.  ‘S urrainn dhuibh teachdaireachd beag a chuir dhuibh fhèin an sin mus sàbhail thu e.  ‘S urrainn dhuibh na comharran air fad agad fhaighinn an seo.

You can now bookmark jobs on the site to make your own list of the ones you’re interested in. This is great if you’re thinking of applying but not quite ready yet.

To do this, login and visit a job ad.  Then click the button to make the bookmark.  You can write a short note for yourself before saving.  You can view all of your bookmarks here.

Obraichean air am fòn / Obraichean on mobile

‘S urrainn dhuibh a-nis Obraichean Gàidhlig a’ sàbhaladh dhan fon-làimhe agad airson fhaighinn na cothroman Gàidhlig as ùra gu luath

Dìreach dol a-steach dhan brobhsair agaibh ‘s taghadh “Add to home screen” mar a chithear ‘s na dealbhan gu h-ìosal airson seo a dhèanamh.


You can now save Obraichean Gàidhlig to your mobile to get access to it quickly and to check the latest Gaelic vacancies.

Just go into your browser and choose “Add to home screen” as you’ll see in the images above to do this.


Ma tha làrach-linn agaibh fhèin, ‘s urrainn dhut widget a dhèanamh le na h-obraichean as ùra bho Obraichean Gàidhlig leis an cruthadair embed ùr againn.

Taghadh na seòrsaichean obrach a tha sibh airson sgaoileadh air do làrach dhuinn agus dèan an còd a dh’ fheumas sibh.  An nuair sin, chuir an còd sin am badeigin air an duilleag agaibhse agus bidh e ag obair.

If you have your own site, you can now include a widget with the latest Gaelic jobs from Obraichean Gàidhlig with our new embed generator.

Choose the types of jobs you want to share on your site for us and create the code you need.  Then, just put that code somewhere on your web page and it’ll work.

Tha sinn an dòchas gun dèan na goireasan ùra seo diofar dhut a thaobh obraichean a’ lorg ‘s gum faigh sibh mòran feum às.

Dèan chunntas còmhla ruinn an-dràst agus faic na ‘s urrainn dhuibh a dhèanamh leis na chomharran air Obraichean Gàidhlig.  Bidh sinn a’ cruthachadh barrachd goireasan dhuibh a dh’ aithghearr cuideachd, ‘s mar sin bidh cunntas feumail.

Ma tha barail neo beachdan agaibh air na h-atharraichean, cuiribh gu h-ìosal iad ‘s leigibh fios dhuinn!


We hope that these new features will make a difference to you in terms of finding jobs and that you’ll get a lot of use out of them.

Sign up with us now and see what you can do with bookmarks Obraichean Gàidhlig and to explore new features that we’re developing for the future.

If you have feedback or ideas on the changes, leave a comment below and let us know!


Tha na leasachaidhean seo dèanta air sgath taic maoineachaidh bho Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

These improvements are made possible by funding from Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

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