Aithris air dreuchd Bun Sgoil Bhun Easain / Statement on position at Bunessan Primary School

Mar freagairt air sgeulachd de tidsear Gàidhlig à Chanada air a bhith dhiùltadh le Oifis na Dùthcha aig Bun Sgoil Bhun Easain air Eilean Muile:

Gu fìrinneach tha gainnead ann de tidsearan Gàidhlig airson na dreuchdan a tha ri fhaighinn air feadh na h-Alba.  Tha grunnan tursan air tachairt sa bhliadhna seo chaidh far an deach sanasan obrach an àrd turas ‘s a-rithist air sgath ‘s nach robh tagraidhean gu leòr ann.  Tha fianais de seo ri fhaighinn anns an Aithisg Bliadhnail a dh’ fhoillsich sinn san t-Sultain.

Tha an dreuchd seo ann am Bun Sgoil Bhun Easain aon de na h-eisimpleirean a tha seo.  Chaidh a chiad sanas-obrach airson an dreuchd seo (ri lorg an seo) a chuir an àrd air an 22mh den t-Iuchair 2017, leis an ceann-là mu dheireadh airson tagraichean air atharrachadh dà tursan gus an 15mh den t-Sultain.

‘S e an fhìrinn nach eil tidsearan Gàidhlig gu leòr ann airson an dìth a th’ orra, agus ‘s e seo rudeigin leis a tha Bòrd na Gàidhlig ‘s Riaghaltas na h-Alba a’ dèiligeadh tro innleachdan poileasaidh, ach tha feum air barrachd oidhirp buileach.

Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir dhan Riaghaltas Bhreatainn ath-bhuannachd ‘s leasachadh na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh le siostam in-ìmreachd a tha a’ toirt dìol do luchd-obrach a tha airson dreuchd cudromach a bhith aca ann an foghlam ‘s cultar na dùthcha.


As a response to the story of a Canadian Gaelic teacher being denied a position by the Home Office at Bunessan Primary School in Mull:

On a purely factual basis there is a shortage of Gaelic teachers for available positions across Scotland.  There are multiple instances of advertisements being posted, and re-posted, and re-posted again multiple times because of a lack of candidates being available.  There is evidence of this in the Annual Report that we published in September.

The position at Bunessan Primary School that Ms Halfpenny applied for was one of these examples.  The first job advertisement for this position (found here) was posted on July 22nd 2017, with the closing date extended twice to its final date of September 15th.

The simple truth is that there aren’t enough Gaelic teachers at present to fill demand, and that’s something that Bòrd na Gàidhlig and the Scottish Government are looking to address with through policy measures, although more needs to be done.

We believe that the UK Government should see fit to encourage the recovery and expansion of the Gaelic language with an immigration system that rewards workers looking to play a vital role in the education and culture of our nation.

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