Apprentice – Childcare, Gaelic, Sgoil Araich Thunga (7558)

  • Làn-thìde / Full-time
  • Tong Nursery Community Hall Tong Isle of Lewis, HS2 0HS
  • Posted 1 year ago
  • Tha seo dùinte do thagraichean ùra / Applications have closed
  • Tuarastal / Salary: £23,569 per year pro rata
  • Cùmhnant / Contract: 18 mìosan / months
  • Uairean san seachdain / Hours per week: 30
  • Gàidhlig / Gaelic: Riatanach / Essential

Làrach-lìn / Website cne_siarComhairle nan Eilean Siar
Sgoil Araich Thunga

Ga shireadh, airson 30 uair a thìde gach seachdain, teirm stèidhichte airson 18 mìosan.

Bidh an neach a gheibh an dreuchd ag obair a chùm Ìre SVQ 3 ann an Cùram-chloinne (ri choileanadh ann an 18 mìosan).

Le taic, bidh sibh a’ dealbhadh curraicealam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig, a’ toirt taic agus stiùir air ionnsachadh agus leasachadh choileanta do chlann. Le taic, bidh sibh cuideachadh a’ dealbhadh agus a’ cur air dòigh seisean cluiche, a’ toirt aire do dh’fheumalachdan gach leanabh.


Required for 30 hours per week for a fixed term of 18 months.

The postholder will work towards an SVQ Level 3 in Childcare (achievability, 18 months).

You will, with support, through the medium of Gaelic, plan a curriculum, which supports and guides children’s all round learning and development.  You will also with support plan and organise the play session, taking into account the needs of every child.


Feumaidh teisteanas Ìre Nàiseanta 4 a bhith agaibh ann am Beurla agus Matamataig NO Bun-ìre Preantasachd Clann agus Daoin’ Òga.

Tha e riatanach gu bheil comas labhairt is leughaidh agaibh ann an Gàidhlig.

Tha tuarastal na dreuchd a’ gabhail a-steach Cuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach.


You must have National 4 qualifications in English and Maths OR Foundation Apprenticeship Children & Young People.

The ability to speak and read Gaelic is essential.

Salary for the above post is £19,110 per annum and is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance.

Tuilleadh fiosrachaidh / More info

Apprentice Childcare Gaelic Year Round 1.pdf

Tha tagraichean dùinte airson an sanas-obrach seo. Tadhail air an duilleag obraichean airson cothroman ùra fhaicinn.

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