Aberdeen City Council
Job Purpose:
Before applying for this job, it is important that you read the Applicant Guidance by clicking on this link and the Job Profile attached. These explain the job role and the type of person we’re looking for.
Location: Gilcomstoun School, Aberdeen
Duration: Permanent, Full Time
Roles that require PVG Membership
Please note that with effect from 1 April 2023, where a role requires PVG membership, candidates will be required to meet the cost of the PVG membership. This applies only to roles with a full time equivalent salary of £30,000 and above. (Teaching roles and jobs at Grade 11 and above (currently £30,285 per annum / £16.64 per hour)
The Council will pay for the PVG membership cost initially, either £18 for existing PVG scheme members, or £59 for non-members, and this cost will be deducted from an employee’s first FULL month’s salary payment.
Rùn na h-Obrach/Job Purpose:
Foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig a lìbhrigeadh do sgoilearan sònraichte agus cur ri beatha proifeiseanta, corporra na sgoile ann an co-obrachadh ri sgoilearan, luchd-obrach agus buidhnean freagarrach bhon taobh a-muigh am broinn aontachaidh an SNCT
To deliver quality Gaelic medium education to assigned pupils and contribute to the professional, corporate life of the school in relation to pupils, staff and appropriate external bodies within the agreements of the SNCT
The post holder needs to hold as a minimum:
Feumaidh an neach-obrach iad seo co-dhiù/The post holder needs to hold as a minimum:
Teisteanas teagaisg freagarrach/Appropriate teaching qualification
Làn clàradh leis an GTC (Alba) anns a’ chuspair/roinn freagarrach, neo comasach air seo fhaighinn/Full GTC (Scotland) registration in the appropriate subject/sector, or be eligible for such registration
Ball den sgeama PVG – Ag obair le Clann/PVG scheme membership – Working with children
The postholder is able to demonstrate:
Thathar an dùil gun seall an neach-obrach gu bheilear/The post holder is expected to demonstrate:
Fileanta ann an sgriòbhadh Gàidhlig agus Gàidhlig labhairteach/Fluency in written and spoken Gaelic
Comasach air a’ churraicealam slàn a theagasg tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig a-rèir cuspair neo roinn, agus comasach an curraicealam a leasachadh/Ability to teach the full curriculum through the medium of Gaelic in the relevant subject or sector, and to develop the curriculum
Comasach air clasaichean a stiùireadh agus a chuir air dòigh tro phlanadh agus ullachadh ann an teagasg agus ionnsachadh/Ability to manage and organise classes through planning and preparing for teaching and learning
Comasach air adhartas sgoilearan a mheasadh, a chlàradh agus aithris air airson cur ri raon de dòighean obrach teagaisg agus ionnsachaidh/Ability to assess, record and report on the work of pupils’ progress to inform a range of teaching and learning approaches
Comasach air sgoilearan ullachadh airson deuchainnean agus teisteanasan, agus ma dh’fheumar a dhèanamh, a’ cuideachadh len an rianachd/Ability to prepare pupils for examinations and qualifications and where required, assist with their administration
Comasach air cur ri deagh rianachd agus feumalachdan farsaing na sgoile/Ability to contribute towards good order and the wider needs of the school
Comasach air cur ris an sgoil agus planadh comhairle agus pròiseas leasachaidh/Ability to contribute to the school and council planning and improvement processes
Comasach air eòlas agus sgilean a ghlèidheadh agus a leasachadh agus cur ri leasachadh proifeiseanta an luchd-obrach, a’ gabhail a’ steach tidsearan ùra agus oileanaich/Ability to maintain and develop knowledge and skills and contribute to the professional development of colleagues including probationary and student teachers
About Us
Please see the Job Profile for further details.
Aberdeen City Council is an equal opportunities employer and we are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion. For further information, please see our Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Recruitment pack.
Flexible Working
We are happy to talk flexible working and offer flexible working for most roles in the organisation meaning that many of our employees enjoy the freedom of choosing a working pattern that suits them as much as it suits the organisation.
Disability Confident
We are a Disability Confident Employer. If you consider yourself to have a disability and think you may require a reasonable adjustment to be made for this part of the selection process, or would like further information in relation to reasonable adjustments, please contact AskHR@aberdeencity.gov.uk.
Armed Forces
We are a forces-friendly employer, have signed the Armed Forces Covenant and are a silver award recipient in the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme. We have a specific email address for those in the forces, those who have left the forces, as well as their partners / spouses / families: armedforces@aberdeencity.gov.uk. We are able to answer questions about jobs and our application / selection process, as well as about our employee support provisions.
Guaranteed Interview Scheme
We have a number of guaranteed interview schemes available to applicants who meet the minimum criteria for the role they are applying for who:
- have a disability as defined by the Equality Act 2010 (all jobs)
- looked after young people, those that are in continuing care or are a care leaver up to the age of 29 (all jobs)
- are aged 16-24 and live in Aberdeen City or have been to an Aberdeen City Council school and are applying for a Modern Apprenticeship (except Trades apprenticeships)
- have done a Foundation Apprenticeship with Aberdeen City Council and are applying for any apprenticeships relevant to the area in which they did their Foundation Apprenticeship
- are New Scots* aged 16-24 and are applying for any apprenticeships
*”New Scots” are defined as refugees and asylum seekers who are in Scottish communities and include those who have been granted refugee status or another form of humanitarian protection, people seeking asylum, those who have been refused asylum, and those whose application has been refused but who remain in Scotland.
Further information can be found at https://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/services/jobs
Tuilleadh fiosrachaidh / More info
Tha tagraichean dùinte airson an sanas-obrach seo. Tadhail air an duilleag obraichean airson cothroman ùra fhaicinn.
Applications for this position are closed. Please visit the jobs page to see new positions.