Privacy & Cookies Policy

Privacy Policy

Obraichean Gàidhlig is here to facilitate the discovery and application for Gaelic-related jobs.  To provide you with our services, we collect several forms of data to ensure the experience is as helpful as possible for you.

Anonymous user data of your browsing activity is shared with Google (as part of Google Analytics), and Facebook (as part of the Facebook Pixel).  No identifiable personal information is shared with these external platforms.

When signing up to our website, either as an employer or job-seeker, you agree to share your email address with us.  You can also optionally enter your name as part of your profile information, or company information if you are an employer.  Obraichean Gàidhlig does not share this information with anyone else.

When creating a CV on our website, you agree to submit the information of the CV to the website.  This information can be amended or deleted by you at any time by logging in to the site. Currently, CVs are not accessible by anyone without the direct link to the web page, which you may share at will, but is not currently shared by Obraichean Gàidhlig.

When signing up to our email newsletter, you agree to share your email address, name and language preference setting with us.  This information is shared with MailChimp, who provide our email marketing services. This information is shared with no other third parties.

When making an application for a position using a web form on our site, we hold the information submitted on our site.  It is then shared with the employer of the position to determine your suitability as a candidate.  This information is not accessible by anyone else.

If you wish to request the data Obraichean Gàidhlig holds on you, please email fios [at]

Cookies Policy

To ensure the best possible experience for you as a user, this website stores small text files known as “cookies” on your device to save your settings and some anonymous user information.

If you wish to opt out of using cookies, you may disable them by consulting the Help section of your browser or taking a look at the About Cookies website which offers guidance for all modern browsers