Tha sinn air leth toilichte aithisg ùr a chur air bhog a’ toirt iomradh air bliadhna de shanasan-obrach airson obraichean Gàidhlig.
Lorgar còrr ‘s 250 obraichean Gàidhlig air an sanasachd air feadh na h-Alba, le tuarastalan de urrad £3 millean.
Bha còrr ‘s leth de na obraichean ri fhaighinn ann an teagaisg, le àireamhan mòra an sàs anns na meadhanan ‘s na h-ealainean.
Bha na fastaichean a bu mhotha airson obraichean Gàidhlig na riaghaltasan ionadail, le Comhairle nan Eilean Siar ‘s Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd air seachad air comhairlean na bàiltean-mòra Glaschu ‘s Dhùn Èideann.
Thuirt Deasaiche Steven Kellow: “Tha an aithisg seo a’ sealltainn an lùths a th’ aig a’ mhargaid-obrach Gàidhlig agus gu bheil farsaingeachd de chothroman ri fhaighinn air feadh na h-Alba.
“Tha teagaisg fhathast an dreuchd as cumanta a thèid an sanasachd ri linn na Gàidhlig, agus tha e follaiseach bhon àireamh de ath-shanasachd gu bheil piseach a dhìth air tidsearan ùra a thàladh do sgoiltean Ghàidhlig.
“San fharsaingeachd ged tà tha e na chùis dòchais gu bheil aon de na chànanan nàiseanta againn mar phàirt cudromach ‘s fàsmhor san eaconamaidh againn.”
Gheibh thu an aithisg air fad an seo:
We are delighted to launch a new report outlining one years’ worth of job advertisements for positions relating to the Gaelic language.
The report found over 250 jobs advertised across Scotland, with combined salaries worth over £3 million.
Over half the positions were found in teaching jobs, with significant numbers also involved in media and the arts.
The major employers for Gaelic-related jobs were local authorities, with Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and Highland Council leading the way ahead of the city councils of Glasgow and Edinburgh.
Editor Steven Kellow said: “This report outlines the vitality in the Gaelic jobs market and that there is a wide range of opportunities available right across Scotland.
“Teaching is by far the most commonly advertised position relating to Gaelic, and it’s clear from the number of re-advertisements that there’s work to be done to attract more teachers to Gaelic schools.
“On the whole though it’s a promising sign of that one or our national languages is playing an important and growing role in our economy.”
You can read the full report here: